My African Dream!

I believe I am one person who is very passionate about the development of Africa and its people. And more than anything else I believe that the key to any kind of development is love and unity of purpose. I dream of an Africa without war, poverty or xenophobia. I dream of an Africa united…

To Whom It May Concern!

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN!! Yesterday, as I was looking back on International Women’s Month (which is celebrated in March for those who have no clue what I am referring to), I started jotting down what I learnt, shared and experienced throughout women’s month. Looking at the list now,boy did I learn..thus I took it…


Sometimes when you look at your dream, its magnitude, then juxtapose it against the current state of our world, its easy to shrink back and settle for less because it all seems impossible. It is so easy to compromise or just give up..but like I always say, IF YOU DON’T FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAM, NO…